Stop hating everything new

Computers were originally dubbed a fad. So was the internet. This stuff is fun and amazing and the world is still changing for the better.

Subscribe to the Finer Things in Tech newsletter, coming soon!

I’ve been toying with the idea of publishing a newsletter for a…

Apple Watch faces for work, play, music, and every occasion in between

Now that faces are so easy to switch between, what other occasions, tasks, or purposes could use a Watch face?

The science and documentary TV format doesn't hold up well in the age of streaming

The format has not aged well in a time of on-demand content, where TV commercials and ‘jumping back into the middle of a show’ basically don’t exist anymore.

iOS 10: The iCloud app extension is totally broken, we need Apple's help

This new view for Apple’s iCloud file manager creates a significant usability problem for anyone with even a modest collection of folders and projects.

3D Touch is the new Option key

Holding the option key on your Mac can reveal new menu options and trigger time-saving features. It was fun exploring those hidden perks, and now that torch has passed to 3D Touch on iOS.

From Dropbox to iCloud Drive: a review and some thoughts

I finished my experiment, and things have gone well. iCloud Drive works for my needs, but it certainly isn’t without some drawbacks. Here are some snags to be aware of when using iCloud Drive, things I hope Apple addresses soon.