I want something that combines Digital Planner and Day One

The Digital Planner is an impressively thorough tool for the iPad and…

‪I’m sad to see Apple being forced into the fray of exclusive podcasts

Opportunistic podcast startups began dismantling the medium with exclusive shows and malicious practices. Now, Spotify and even Apple are playing this potentially destructive game.

Google killed brevity in YouTube videos, and we helped

The length of YouTube videos has exploded across every genre—essays, how-tos, reviews,…

Google Reader’s death gave life back to RSS newsreaders

In Reader’s absence, the market has flourished with ideas, variety, and potential.

Early thoughts on iPadOS

This is a major quality-of-life improvement across the board for the iPad.

For me, Twitter has become an ethical and professional dilemma

A tool built for social good devolved into a profitable machine for hate.

A brief list of major features far too many iPad apps still don’t support

Essential iPad features as old as iOS 9 still have not seen the broad adoption we need.