As you may know, I make Finer Things in Tech available in a number of places, so you can follow your favorite sections on Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, and RSS. I also have accounts for Finer Things in Tech itself on Tumblr, Twitter, and Facebook, and I’m looking for ways to make them more useful.
Right now I post things like feature updates and general site news, but they don’t happen all that often. One idea I had is to hook up a syndication service to publish every single post from across all sections, but would that be too much?
Another idea is to publish just the featured posts across all sections—Mac, iOS, PC, Web, and potential future sections like Windows Phone and Android—to each of these main Finer Things in Tech accounts. I don’t feature posts all that often, so it would be a low but steady way to highlight the crème de la crème of the site in one place.
Whatdoyathink, idea #1 or #2? Or something else entirely? If you have ideas for what you would like to see on the main Finer Things in Tech social accounts, comment here or drop me a line privately, I’m all ears.