Brett Terpstra, eternal tinkerer and gentleman extraordinaire, released GrabLinks 2.0, an incredibly useful bookmarklet for just about anyone who writes or simply collects things from the web. Scroll down at his site for the actual bookmarklet button that you drag to your browser toolbar to install.
In a nutshell, clicking this bookmarklet will automatically collect all the links from a section of a webpage and turn them into a Markdown list. So:
- click the bookmarklet
- mouse around a webpage and see each ‘section’ highlighted with a red boundary
- click the section with links you want to collect
- a new tab opens with the name of the page and URL, as well as all links from the section in a Markdown list
In a nutshell of a nutshell: if you use this bookmarklet, I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that unicorns flew out of your USB ports and ears to celebrate the potential of what Brett built here. I highly recommend you donate to let Brett keep doing his fantastic thing.