I’m an Apple fan. It makes some good stuff, as well as some mistakes about which I often complain.

But one of the core reasons I try to go with its products when they fit the task is not always just fandom, but trust. Apple is one of the few companies in the industry that I trust (so far) to not pull user-hostile, should-be-illegal and incarceration-worthy bullshit like this.

Remember when Sony got busted infecting PCs and Macs with incredibly insecure and outright dangerous “rootkits”?

People should be in jail for these invasions of privacy. We should have strict, punitive international laws against it. Yet here we go. Again.

Choices aren’t always about what you prefer or believe in or which tool can serve the purpose and complete a job. Often they are about trust, and this industry continues to do so, so much to destroy what little it has left.

Update: Thanks to Richard B for a correction about the nature of Sony’s rootkits.

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