A hidden gem in iOS 9 is the ability to PDF content using iBooks. Safari works as a great example:

  • find an article
  • tap the action button
  • swipe the top row of icons to the left
  • tap Save PDF to iBooks

I wager this will work in more apps once they update for iOS 9.

iBooks will open and display your PDF. Unfortunately, as of this writing at beta 4, iBooks is hardwired to support only email and print as sharing actions, so it’s kind of a pain to get your PDFs into any other apps. I hope Apple updates iBooks to support the full action menu for non-store content.

The fastest options I’ve found are to email them to services that support emailed attachments, like Evernote, or to simply email it to yourself, long-press it in Mail, and send it to your app of choice from there.

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