Apple’s new AirPods have quickly become my favorite headphones I’ve ever owned. They have their shortcomings, but their excellent array of features greatly outweigh the cons for me.

I received mine just before Christmas, and there’s barely a day I leave the house now when they aren’t with me. In that time I’ve found AirPods to have some unexpected advantages and perks, so I’d like to dig into some of the details of what makes AirPods a great set of headphones.

They stay in through many kinds of physical activity

I’ve run and lifted with them at the gym. I also live and commute with them in Chicago, which means I’ve occasionally whipped my head around to check traffic or avoid someone rushing down the street. To my surprise, they stay in great.

You can opt to use just one AirPod like a ‘traditional’ Bluetooth headset

It’s really useful for phone conversations, podcasts, or listening to Anchor stations. It’s also discreet for when you’re at a social or other function and just want to quickly and quietly listen to or watch something.

If your pants have a ‘watch pocket,’ AirPods probably fit in it

I wear guy’s pants, and they all have had that tiny little pocket just above the right pocket (apparently, it was originally for pocket watches and dates back to at least 1879). These days I wear my Watch and, as it turns out, the AirPods case fits just fine in my watch pocket. Hence, they almost always leave the house with me now, just in case, as I usually keep them by my wallet and keys.

You probably don’t need to make space for them

I think it’s worth noting separately that AirPods don’t take up much space. You don’t need a separate bag to bring them with you in most cases, and they barely need any room in most bags and tech ensembles. I have a pair of Jabra Revo Wireless and similarly designed Beats Solo3s (which I’m eBaying soon). They certainly have their perks, but even folded up, they practically took up half my backpack.

Space is important. The fact that AirPods barely take up any is refreshing.

Total battery life is insane

A lot of the initial coverage focused on the ‘5 hours on a charge’ bit for the AirPods themselves. But in practice, I don’t use mine for nearly that long in a sitting. I use them for a phone call, then some music while I work, then put them back in the case to charge. I take them back out to take a break and play a round of Vainglory, or maybe a podcast or two while I commute somewhere. Put them back in the case.

There’s a cadence to my usage, which means my personal, total perceived battery life easily hits that 24 hour mark (so far I’ve only goften them in the red at 11 percent once). I’ve owned a few wireless earbud-style headphones over the years, but none of them can touch that. Not even Apple’s other brand new wireless earbud-style headphones, the BeatsX at 12 hours.

If you’re iOS only, you can reach the Charger Singularity

When I leave the house to work in a field office or co-op, I usually bring my iPhone, AirPods, and iPad (I use my Mac much less these days). This allowed me to achieved Charger Singularity—all I carry is a Lightning charger now (the 29-watt block charger with Apple’s longer cable for fast charging). It’s pretty nice.

Not for everyone, but they’re great for me

The AirPods certainly aren’t perfect for everyone; what is? But they fit my needs very, very well, and I’m an extremely happy owner. I hope these tips and perks help if you have a pair or decide to pick one up.

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