For a little while now, Iā€™ve been focusing on building healthier habits. Iā€™ve used a combination of creating a morning routine and the habit-tracker Streaks to regularly remind me of things I want to do. More recently, though, Iā€™ve started tinkering with what I call ā€˜anti-reminders.ā€™

The idea is to create a task or reminder in whatever app to nudge you to not do something. Donā€™t have your regular morning coffee before that doctor appointment. Donā€™t have more than two drinks at next monthā€™s family gathering. Donā€™t play games next Wednesday when you really want to work on that side project. Set the reminder to ping you shortly before or during an event, and it could help keep you on track.

It isnā€™t about being negative. I think of it as the other side of the habit coin–there are good habits to build, and bad habits to break. Or sometimes there are just healthy or neutral routines to… sigh, ā€˜disruptā€™ when it matters.

Siri + Reminders are my vehicles for anti-reminders right now. ā€œHey Siri, remind me to not have coffee next Thursday at 7:30am.ā€ I also want to tinker with a Streaks feature called ā€˜Negative Tasksā€™–donā€™t smoke, donā€™t bite nails, donā€™t eat bad food, and you can make your own. These actually start each day as complete, and you only mark them if you miss your target and partake in the thing you want to avoid.

Anti-reminders have been helpful for me so far. If the idea sounds interesting, give them a try and let me know what you think here or on Tumblr or Twitter.

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