Fantastical 2 for iPad throws little animated birthday celebrations for your friends

You have to tap a friend’s birthday entry in order to see…

Move, duplicate, and share events in Fantastical 2 for iPhone

In Fantastical 2 for iPhone, long pressing an event will bring up…

Some tips for working faster with Fantastical 2 for iPhone

Fantastical 2 for iPhone is very powerful right out of the box. If you want to be even more productive, here are some great tricks for you.

Fantastical sweats the details of ‘hour’ or ‘hours’

When you change your alarm time in Fantastical for Mac (as well…
[Flash 10 is required to watch video.]renderVideo(“video_player_13502995607”,’’,500,281,’,,,,’) Finer Things in Web: The…
[Flash 10 is required to watch video.]renderVideo(“video_player_13501733665”,’’,500,281,’,,,,’) The website for Fantastical, a…