iOS offers to reinstate your fingerprints if you disable, reenable Touch ID

It’s a nice way to avoid going through the Touch ID setup for every finger all over again.

iOS 10: The iCloud app extension is totally broken, we need Apple's help

This new view for Apple’s iCloud file manager creates a significant usability problem for anyone with even a modest collection of folders and projects.

3D Touch is the new Option key

Holding the option key on your Mac can reveal new menu options and trigger time-saving features. It was fun exploring those hidden perks, and now that torch has passed to 3D Touch on iOS.

iOS 10: Control Center gets more control-y with Force Press, Music controls, HomeKit

Multiple pages, Force Press, HomeKit, and more.

iOS 10 Safari: Close all tabs at once

A simple new way to clear your browsing canvas and start anew, like when the world was young.