My experience switching a T-Mobile data plan between two iPads

Spoiler: It was remarkably easy, including switching back

Rediscovering iPad features: Magazines in Apple News

Picking up (digital) magazines again feels like I’m hopping on the retro vinyl bandwagon, just with less plastic. And less spinning. And more reading.

A brief list of major features far too many iPad apps still don’t support

Essential iPad features as old as iOS 9 still have not seen the broad adoption we need.

A quick list of new iPadOS features that (mostly) weren’t mentioned on stage

There are a *lot* of major and ‘big little’ changes coming in iPadOS. Here are some of my favorite picks.

📱 Quick skip between Spotlight result groups on iPad

A simple, fast shortcut to find just the result you need.

An update on my Brydge Keyboard for iPad

TL;DR: It’s a really nice keyboard and I recommend it. But I use my iPad for a few things outside Brydge’s scope, so I returned mine.

You can scroll the Files app menu on iPad

Just tap Show More. This is a pretty handy way to quickly…