📱 Play with app mockup ideas with ProtoSketch for iPad and iPhone

It’s a good app anyone can use to create a simple mockup of an iOS app idea.

📱💻 Using a Commonplace Book to catalog your life’s journey, influences, and more

What if we had not just a diary to look back on, but a tome of all the events, ideas, quotes, observations, and more that shaped our lives, who we are, and who we become?

📱 Anti-reminders can help build healthy habits, stick to your values

A way to remind yourself to not do something, break a routine when it’s useful, or build new habits.

Enlight has great video tutorials for turning your photos into art

My go-to photo editing app on iPhone and iPad has some great tutorials for its more interesting tools and techniques.

Things 3 after 5 months

I think I finally found a task app that doesn’t make me turn into a contortionist.

Dropmark is my new service for bookmarks and collecting, sharing neat stuff

I’ve been asked what Dropmark is and how I use it, so here we go. TL;DR: it’s a service for bookmarks, file sharing, and collaboration, and it’s replaced a few things for me. I really like it.

How to bypass Google AMP links with Opener for iOS

I don’t like Google AMP’s “accelerated mobile pages.” It feels like yet…