‪I’m sad to see Apple being forced into the fray of exclusive podcasts

Opportunistic podcast startups began dismantling the medium with exclusive shows and malicious practices. Now, Spotify and even Apple are playing this potentially destructive game.

[Updated] The trouble with having two Apple IDs

Update Apple now has a feature called Family Sharing. Among other things, it allows for…

iTunes: Save some space by deleting the SD versions of your HD films

iTunes used to download both the SD and HD versions of purchased films. If you don’t need those SD copies, deleting them could save some space.

You can shop the iTunes Store with the column browser

I thought they took this out a while ago. In the store,…
In addition to giving you a bit rate choice when converting songs…

Buy a ringtone and assign it immediately

When purchasing a ringtone from iTunes Store on the device, you can…