How to close all Safari tabs at once A quick shortcut to save a ton of time and clear the slate, as it were. May 5, 2017
featured iOS Long-press Safari buttons to recover the past, save bookmarks Get quick access in Safari to closed tabs, bookmarking, and more with a couple simple gestures. January 7, 2015
iOS Tips Safari for iOS can search text on the current page This is useful for research, quickly skimming a page for that one word you need… tons of stuff. December 17, 2014
featured iOS iOS 8: Safari can request desktop websites Many sites serve a mobile version to Safari. In iOS 8, you now have the option to request the desktop site. October 5, 2014
featured iOS Safari for iOS can use a custom folder for Unified Search Bar Favorites Safari for iOS can display your favorite bookmarks when you tap the Unified Search Bar, and you can pick which folder it uses. December 19, 2013
featured iOS iOS 7: Safari, Mail (and other apps?) get keyboard shortcuts Safari, Mail, and possibly other apps gained external keyboard shortcuts in iOS… November 7, 2013