Tweetbot pro tip: filter your timeline for links, keywords, media, and more (iOS)

A tremendously useful feature in Tweetbot for iPhone and iPad (affiliate link)…

The iOS 9 keyboard shortcuts window is contextual, depending on task

This is a clever way to make shortcuts more accessible on iOS versus a Mac, and help users learn what they need based on the things they do.

Tweetbot tip: how to switch accounts quickly

If you’re a Tweetbot 3 for iPhone user with multiple Twitter accounts,…

Tweetbot 3 for iPhone can RT to a different account

If you long-press on the retweet button in the new Tweetbot 3…

Tweetbot for Mac offers to hide all matches when you mute something

Tweetbot can mute usernames and keywords

Tweetbot for Mac can have multiple columns, windows for just about anything you want

Tweetbot, a powerful and stylish Twitter client for the Mac, can open…

Hidden gems in Tweetbot for Mac: get to Favstar quickly, mark all DMs read

You can double-click the profile tab in Tweetbot for Mac to open your…