YouTube displays video frames during upload YouTube displays the actual frames of a video as an upload progresses.… February 26, 2010
iPhone OS keyboard swaps smart quotes and straight quotes The iPhone OS keyboard displays smart quotes and apostrophes, but swaps them… December 4, 2009
Newsstand Google Reader client has unique Twitter buttons Newsstand, a Google Reader client, features some unique Twitter sharing tools. Instead… November 6, 2009
Some iPod video features disappear in portrait mode Watching video in the iPod app offers some great features, some which… October 23, 2009
OS 3.1: iPod controls cleaned up while device is in a dock As of iPhone OS 3.1, the volume control disappears in the iPod… October 22, 2009
Layers: A painting app that does layers well There are a few different painting applications on the iPhone that support… October 16, 2009
Photos app displays a progress bar while uploading The Photos app displays a progress bar when uploading media to services… October 12, 2009